We would like to welcome a very special guest to The Brew Journal - Elin Karlsson!
Last year Elin was crowned the Swedish Aeropress Champion for 2023 and represented Sweden in the World Aeropress Championships in Melbourne!
We got the opportunity to talk to Elin and ask her a few questions about her winning recipe, her thoughts about creating a recipe, and for her to share her hot tips on Aeropress. Take it away Elin!
Hi Brew Journal HQ and hej to all subscribers out there! Today I’m going to take you through my winning Aeropress recipe and share my thoughts about how I created the recipe.
About My Aeropress Recipe
My goal when creating the recipe was to get a nice balanced cup that didn’t stick out too far in any direction, especially not overly bitter since that’s not something I myself am a big fan of. I tried a few different recipes that I found online but in the end, I ended up using my own recipe since that’s what I felt most safe with.
At the competition I tested the exact recipe I had brewed with at home but I felt like something was missing, so I chose to change the brew-ratio by a few grams. As it turns out that was exactly what was needed! I even tried a few other recipes but in the end, I decided that I was happy with this recipe when the coffee cooled a little - so I chose to give the coffee a little air after brewing to bring down the temperature in the cup before serving to the judges.
The Recipe
Dose: 18g
Grind Size: medium-fine, 20 clicks on the Comandante
Total Brew Volume: 225g
Water Temperature: 88ºC
Total Brew Time: 2:45
Aeropress Method: Inverted
Filters: 2 Aeropress filters, rinsed
Add 18g coffee to the inverted Aeropress, shake to level
0:00 - Bloom with 42g of water in circular motions to cover as much of the grounds as possible. Stir twice with the Aeropress stirring using the NSEW (North, South, East, West) method.
0:30 - Pour the rest of the water in circular pours (to 225g)
Carefully stir once using the NSEW method
Let steep without cap on. Rinse 2 paper Aeropress filters and make sure they stick fully to the cap
1:55 - Screw Cap on tightly
2:00 - Flip and do a little swirl before pressing evenly to 2:45. Stop pressing when you hear the hissing!
Pour the coffee five times between two pitchers to lower the temperature of the coffee before serving
Some Tips
My best tip is to just keep it simple! If it feels good and tastes good then it is good! This was my biggest lesson during the competitions. Even the simplest recipe can taste great, which is of course the whole idea behind the Aeropress 😉
I hope you enjoy my recipe, happy Aeropressing!
— Elin Karlsson
You can find Elin on Instagram at @elin_karlsson99
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